Legal Comment

Put Three Year Limit On Time Sex Abuse Allegations Can Be Reported, Says Mr Loophole

Criminal defence lawyer Nick Freeman has reiterated his call for a time limit when it comes to reporting sexual crimes. The call comes after the Crown Prosecution Service revealed its decision not to prosecute Sir Cliff Richard over claims of historical claims of abuse is being reviewed after an appeal by one of the singer’s four accusers. The highly publicized case against the singer - who was never arrested or charged over the allegations - was dropped in June on the grounds of insufficient evidence. The celebrity lawyer, commentator and…Read more

Why Should We Care About The Yorkshire Ripper?

Recent reports of Peter Sutcliffe's move from Broadmoor to a category A prison have sparked another round of column inches for the Yorkshire Ripper. Not because of the horrendous crimes he committed but that he now fears for his own life after being transferred to a category A prison. Following his recent evaluation, Sutcliffe was declared sane and as such had been moved from Broadmoor Psychiatric Hospital to HMP Frankland in County Durham. Broadmoor had been his home for some 32 years. Now he shares HMP Frankland with the likes…Read more

Can Technology Stop The Problem It Has Caused?

One of the rising issues for modern drivers is the danger imposed by technology. Not so much that technology is taking control away from us but that more and more drivers are choosing to use their smartphones whilst they are driving. The motoring and mainstream press are starting to fill column inches with reports of tragic accidents where a driver has been distracted by using their phones whilst they are behind the wheel. It is not so long ago that using a mobile phone to make or receive a call…Read more

13 Motoring Laws You May Have Broken Without Knowing It

The Highway Code is full of tasty bits of motoring law trivia. However, it's amazing how after we pass our driving test some of us seem to throw the Highway Code away and never pay heed to it again. So just as a small reminder for some of you, and may be a bit of fun, here are 13 motoring laws you may have broken without even knowing it. You can stop on a road with a single yellow line to collect or drop people off however, you are not…Read more

Will The Tesla Crash Slow Down Self Driving Cars – Not On Your Life

After the tragic death of a test driver for the Tesla Autopilot car, you may have through that the technology race would take a breath. However, that is just not the case. Tesla CEO, Elon Musk has been a driving force about the repaid development of their Autopilot system. About its ability to keep a car in 1 lane, avoid accidents and use cameras to understand its surroundings. However, Tesla has been criticised for what has been described as an aggressive strategy and its willingness to introduce the technology even…Read more

How Will Brexit Effect My Driving Licence?

Okay so we are a few days into our post-referendum country and there are so many discussions as how the exit vote is going to change things. It is very early days and seemingly the “exit” camp are quite surprised about their narrow victory and information about what happens next is a bit sketchy. All we do know at this stage is that nothing major is going to happen quickly. One issue that has been raised a few times through social media is, what will happen about the UK’s European…Read more

Sir Cliff Richard – The Damage Is Done

So here we are at the end of the Sir Cliff Richard Sex Allegation circus only to hear that the case has been dropped by the CPS. This is after a 2-year police investigation where the media has served every sordid titbit to an ever-hungry public, seemingly with the blessing of the police. A 2-year investigation that has reportedly cost around £800,000. So what do we have at the end of the investigation? We have a man who’s reputation has been totally traduced and a career spanning decades tarnished beyond…Read more